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Crafting Dreams: How to Make a Homemade Dream Catcher Inspired Mobile


Dream catchers are not just beautiful decorations; they also carry rich cultural significance and symbolism. Originating from First Nations traditions, these intricate hoops adorned with feathers and beads are believed to filter out negative dreams and allow only positive ones to pass through. Learn more about the origins of these beautiful objects here:

A rustic triangular mobile with ribbons and feathers hangs in a window.
Dream Catcher Inspired Mobile

While this craft is inspired by First Nations’ dream catchers, there are important differences in design. It's important to honour their origins respectfully to avoid cultural appropriation. You can support indigenous businesses by buying an authentic dream catcher here:

A woman and a small boy outside collecting twigs.
Foraging for Materials

Crafting a dream catcher mobile is a fun, creative way to add a rustic personal touch to your living space. Here's how you can make a homemade one from mostly foraged materials:


1. Gather Your Materials:

   - Three twigs to make your frame

   - One twig to wrap your twine around.

   - Twine

   - Feathers and other foraged materials from the garden. This could include pine cones or seed pods.

   - Beads, shells, or other decorative elements – this could include ribbons, scraps of cloth from your sewing basket, or even recycled materials like crisp packets

   - Scissors


Three twigs in a triangle shape tied together with twine.
Use Three Twigs to Make the Frame

2. Prepare the Frame:

   - Place three twigs in a triangle shape and secure the ends with twine.


3. Prepare your twine:

- Wrap your twine around a twig to make a spool of twine. Don’t worry too much about the length as you can add to it as you go by knotting the new piece of thread onto the old.


4. Create the Web:

   - Start by tying one end of the cord to the hoop. You can secure it with a knot.

   - Wrap the cord around the hoop to create the initial anchor point. Then, begin weaving the cord in a circular pattern.

-  To weave your twine hold it taut against the frame and then wrap it around twig every 3 cm or so and pass the spool under. (The length will depend on the size of your frame, so it will be closer together for a small frame and further apart for a large frame.)

   - Once you have gone all the way around the frame repeat, but loop your twine under the mid point of your first line of twine instead of the frame.

- Continue weaving the cord in a spiral pattern, gradually moving toward the centre of your frame. Keep the tension of the cord consistent to create a tight and uniform web.

   - Once you reach the centre of the frame, tie off the cord securely and trim any excess.


Top tip: If this is too complex you can simplify the process by wrapping it in a criss-cross fashion all over the frame, wrapping it around each side at least a couple of times to keep it in place. 


5. Add Decorative Elements:

   - Attach feathers to the bottom of the dream catcher using your twine. You can also weave beads, shells, or other decorative elements into the web.

   - To use recycled crisp packets, turn the crips packet inside out and cut it into strips.


A mobile with flowers, feathers and strips of crisp packet woven into the web
Weave Decorative Elements into the Web

6. Hang and Enjoy:

   - Once your homemade dream catcher ornament is complete, find the perfect spot to hang it in your home. Traditional dream catchers are hung above the bed or near a window where they can catch the first light of dawn.

A smiling woman holds up the mobile she has made.
Your Very Own Dream Catcher Inspired Mobile!



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